If you need 1:1 personalized guidance for your little one, I’d be happy to set up a consultation. This option is great for picky eaters and toddlers over age 2, i.e. past what is covered The Real Food Baby course for 6-18 months or for those with babies who need individualized help for their situation. Consultations are $75 for up to 1 hour on the phone, payable by Venmo or electronic invoice before the call. I send you a questionnaire ahead of time to get some background info and maximize our time together. While I can not provide medical advice, the session is structured around the goals you want to achieve, and I’ll leave you with clear action steps as to how to move forward with your little one.  Email me through the form below or at christiana(at)www.realfoodlittles.com to get started!

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5 Starter Foods for Babies

Don't stress about finding the perfect first food!

Here are a few that are great for the early days of BLW since they are nutrient dense and soft in texture. These are perfect if you're starting your first week of baby-led weaning, or transitioning to finger food after purées.

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