You can raise an adventurous eater.
Learn how to safely introduce your baby to a wide variety of real, home-cooked food.

You can raise an adventurous eater.
Learn how to safely introduce real food to your baby through baby-led weaning and meals you cook for the whole family.

You’ll feed your baby over 18,000 meals from 6 months through 18.
How you start solids has a significant impact on the kind of eater your child becomes, and you probably have a lot of questions like:
- What foods should I try first?
- I’m terrified of choking. How do I reduce the risk?
- Can I do purées too? Or is it all or nothing? (Hint: You can do both!)
- How do I know I’m feeding my child the right things?
- How do I introduce allergens?
- Is this seriously worth all the mess?
- How am I supposed to cook for my baby and the rest of my family on top of everything else?
Feeding your baby doesn’t have to be so hard. You deserve to feel confident introducing solid foods —and to enjoy the process!
With Real Food Littles, your baby will learn to enjoy a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods.

Meet your baby’s unique nutrition needs with confidence.
Learn how to adapt your cooking when a baby is joining in on meals.
Avoid the stress of picky eating.
Help your baby try hundreds of tastes and textures before their first birthday.
Save time, energy, and money with a step-by-step meal-planning system.
Lay the groundwork for a healthy relationship with food.
End mealtime battles and enjoy eating with your whole family.
With The Real Food Baby course, your baby will learn to enjoy a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods.

Meet your baby’s unique nutrition needs with confidence.
Learn cooking techniques that will change the way you cook—no experience required.
Prevent the stress of picky eating.
Help your baby try hundreds of tastes and textures before their first birthday.
Save time, energy, and money with a step-by-step meal-planning system.
Lay the groundwork for a healthy relationship with food.
End mealtime struggles and enjoy eating with your whole family.

hey, there
I’m Christiana.
I’m a health-focused personal chef and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NPT), and my passion is helping babies develop a love of real food through baby-led weaning.
Fortunately, you don’t need to have a culinary degree or spend hours in the kitchen to raise an adventurous eater.
Real Food Littles was born out of my experience with my own twin boys and through my work with families struggling with mealtime battles and picky eating. I want you to know becoming a short-order cook for your family is not inevitable, and it’s much easier to prevent food issues than fix them.
That’s why Real Food Littles teaches evidence-based strategies and practical tips for starting solids, so you can enjoy family meals for years to come.
hey, there
I’m Christiana.
I’m a health-focused personal chef and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), and my passion is helping babies develop a love of real food through baby-led weaning.
Fortunately, you don’t need to have a culinary degree or spend hours in the kitchen to raise an adventurous eater!
Real Food Littles and The Real Food Baby course were born out of my experience with my own twin boys and through my work with families struggling with mealtime battles and picky eating. I want you to know becoming a short-order cook for your family is not inevitable, and it’s much easier to prevent food issues than fix them.
That’s why I teach evidence-based strategies and practical tips for starting solids, so you can enjoy family meals for years to come.
Sound good? Here’s how to get started.

Buy the course.
Experience hands-on learning at your own pace, from the comfort of your own home.

Follow the practical plan.
Safely and effectively introduce a wide variety of solid foods to your little one.

Raise an adventurous eater.
Enjoy happy mealtimes with the same healthy menu for the whole family.

Sick of trying to cook for everyone in your family?
Picky eating and power struggles over food are common, but they do not have to be the norm.
Your child will eat every day for the rest of their life, and the food preferences they develop are heavily shaped by their initial food exposures and experience at the dinner table. With a relatively short developmental window of openness to new flavors, every meal counts! But, it’s easy to slip into a rut of serving the same foods over and over with so many other things on your plate. I’ve been there, and I know how busy and exhausting this season of life is.
Imagine having an easy-to-follow plan for introducing solids. Imagine your baby trying more tastes and textures before their first birthday than some people do in their lifetime—without extra work from you. Imagine feeling confident you’re meeting their nutrition needs and laying the foundation for healthy eating for life. Imagine preparing one dinner for your family and knowing even your littlest eater will enjoy it too.
A love of healthy food is one of the greatest gifts you can give your child. Real Food Littles will help you get it right.